Welcome to Vulcor Insulation

Introducing revolutionary insulation solutions for the industry

About us

Let us introduce ourselves

Vulcor Insulation is bringing you the latest generation high temperature fiber products.

If you were to see the factory where we manufacture our SoliWool™ fiber solutions, it is hard to imagine that back in 2017 it was just a ‘Greenfield’ plan. Today our state of the art factory spans 75.000 m2 (800.000 ft2) and manufactures the most advanced high temperature fibers products.

The SoliWool™ product range consists of engineered bulk fiber, Ultra Low Shot technology blankets, dust free and smooth papers, flexible felts, high tech manufactured board products, tailored to shape vacuum formed shapes and one of the widest ranges of fiber modules.

All the SoliWool™ are manufactured with our Generation III, Ultra Low Shot technology. SoliWool™ is outperforming conventional refractory ceramic fibers (RCF) and low bio persistence fibers (LBP) on thermal conductivity, mechanical strength and handling.

High-Efficiency engineered Solutions


Industrial heating insulation is often far less efficient than that of a home. While homeowners are mindful of their monthly electricity bills, industrial furnaces operating at 1000°C (1800°F) lose significantly more energy when poorly insulated. With their complexity, insulation is rarely a priority. Our high-performance insulation maximizes efficiency per cubic unit, boosting energy savings and sustainability.

SoliWool high temperature


The SoliWool product range is one of the most extensive fiber ranges on the market. Targeted to provide the best possible thermal insulation solution for use in high temperature applications. We offer multiple Refractory Ceramic Fiber chemistry compositions, a range of Low Bio Persistence Fibers and a range of converted products based on Poly Crystalline Wool up to 1700°C (3100°F).

SoliBoard for Demanding Environments


SoliBoard is the top choice for domestic boilers, heaters and furnaces, resistant to temperatures up to 1700°C (3100°F). Our innovative continuous production process ensures a lightweight, strong, and perfectly flat board, ideal for CNC precision machining. The tight tolerances and high stability make it a sustainable choice for efficient heat insulation.

Best Thermal Insulation

ULS technology you have the option to optimize your lining thickness, but we challenge you to reduce your energy consumption as well as you CO2 emission.

Independently tested, the SoliBlanket ULS-grade outperforms the ‘best in class’ Generation I and Generation II fiber products with up to 30% improvement on thermal conductivity.


Toughest Tensile Strength

High temperature fiber blankets are ‘needled’ to convert from a fleece to a blanket. During the needling process, interlocking for the fibers in the fiberstructure is achieved. High fiber index and advanced needling technology are crucial to achieve the toughest tensile strength.

With typically 30% higher tensile strength compared to Generation II and 70% higher tensile strength compared to Generation I fiber, our fiber is delivering the highest strength of all tested fiber products.

Superior Handling

Superior Handling is perhaps our most import feature resulting from the Ultra Low Shot technology, but the least easy to quantify in numbers. Because; How do you define less fiber dust when working over head installing the product in the roof of a furnace??

Rest assured that your installation team installing the blankets can tell you the difference.