SoliBloc ULS-Grade

SoliBloc ULS-Grade

SoliBloc™ ULS-Grade

SoliBloc™ modules are unique monolithic fiber modules that incorporate our premium Generation III fiber technology. Our SoliBloc™ ULS® is based on our Low Bio Persistence fiber and has a classification temperature of 2300°F. These fiber modules offer exceptional thermal insulation, high strength, and are suitable for applications with high gas velocities.

Besides SoliBloc™ ULS® we also offer 2 standard grades of Refractory Ceramic Fiber based SoliBloc™ modules, with a classification temperature of 1260°C and 1430°C. SoliBloc™ X-grade is our standard version with a classification temperature of 1260°C , and is recommended for use in temperatures up till 1100°C continuously.

Together with the 1430°C rated RCF based SoliBloc ZR-grade, our 1260°C rated low bio persistence grade SoliBloc ULS-grade and the unique 1500°C rated SoliBloc PRO we are offering one of the most advanced productranges of monolithic fiber modules.

SoliBloc ULS-Grade

SoliBlanket/SoliBulk/SoliSlab/SoliBloc ULS MSDS EN


SoliBloc ULS Datasheet EN


SoliBloc™ modules are unique monolithic fiber modules that incorporate our premium Generation III fiber technology. Our SoliBloc™ ULS® is based on our Low Bio Persistence fiber and has a classification temperature of 1260°C. These fiber modules offer exceptional thermal insulation, high strength, and are suitable for applications with high gas velocities.

Unlike standard stack or folded modules which are made from compressed blanket strips, SoliBloc™ ULS® modules consist of two sections of SoliSlab™ arranged in an edge grain orientation. These sections are held together by two stainless steel tubes placed transversely through the modules, away from the hot face. The edge grain orientation and interlocking of
the fibers enable the SoliBloc™ ULS® modules to withstand high gas velocities without fiber erosion.

SoliBloc™ ULS® modules are based on our Generation III, Ultra Low Shot fiber technology SoliWool™ ULS® fiber. This technology results in better insulation, higher strength and improved handling. With a classification temperature
of 1260°C and can be used to 1100°C continuously.

SoliBloc™ ULS® modules are available in densities from 160 t0 220 kg/m3 in a standard dimension of 305x305 mm. Thanks to our high fiber index, our 220 kg/m3 modules deliver the same performance as a traditional 240 kg/m3 modules.

SoliBloc™ modules are anchored to the furnace casing with one of our 3 standardized anchoring systems.

  • Center fix direct weld system,
  • Center fix tube and stud system,
  • Side fix anchor system system

All offered anchoring systems come with all required items for the fixing system and the hardware is offered in various grades of stainless steel.

SoliBloc™ ULS-grade is part of the SoliBloc monolitic fiber module product range. With a variety of 2 Refractory Ceramic Fiber (RCF) grades, the famous ‘ULS®’ Low Bio Persistence Fiber grade and our latest addition the SoliBloc Pro with a classification temperature of 1500°C, we are offering the most extensive range temperature range of monolitic fiber modules in the market today. With our  different chemical compositions we are able to provide a solution to nearly every atmosphere or temperature.


  • Proven technical solution
  • Low shot technology
  • Excellent insulation performance
  • High handling strength
  • Unaffected by most chemicals
  • Excellent thermal stability
  • Resistant to thermal shock
  • Exonerated from carcinogenic classification

Typical applications

  • Thermal insulation for furnace lining
  • Insulation for homogenizing furnaces and heat treating furnace
  • Modules for Process heaters
  • Linings in Ceramic Industry (tunnel kilns and intermittent kilns)
  • General technical insulation of furnaces and technical installations



Monolithic Fiber Modules manufactured from Low Bio Persistence fiber


Temperature range

SoliBloc™ ULS-grade modules have a classification temperature of 1260°C and can be used up till 1100°C continuously.

The maximum continuous use temperature provided on the website is a guideline and only applicable in a clean oxidizing atmosphere.


Product range

SoliBloc™ ULS-grade modules are part of an extensive product range supplied by Vulcor Insulation. Vulcor Insulation is supplying insulation solutions from cryogenic to high temperature applications. All products offered by Vulcor are manufactured in house or sourced from exclusive trusted third party partners.

Technical support

Vulcor Insulation provides specifiers and customers with guidance on all aspects of the materials selection for their application, the installation and compliance with relevant regulations and performance standards.

For additional information about product performance, or to identify the recommended product for your application, please contact the team at Vulcor Insulation.


We offer our SoliBloc™ in standard straight 305x305 mm modules and in thicknesses from 100 mm. In standard size the modules are packed in carton boxes of 320x320x970 mm (holding multiple modules) with 24 boxes per pallet. Please refer to the list below for packaging details of the SoliBloc modules, other sizes are available on request.

For projects we also offer tailor modules to meet specific engineering requirements, such as L-shaped corner modules and other special shapes. Please let us know if you require any further information or have specific engineering needs. We are dedicated to providing high-quality fiber modules that meet your thermal insulation and strength requirements.


Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) Pieces (carton) Pieces (pallet)
305 305 100 9 216
305 305 150 6 144
305 305 200 5 120
305 305 250 4 96
305 305 300 3 72


Properties measured Standard Unit SoliBloc™ ULS-grade
Grade LBP
Colour white
Classification temperature °C 1260
Continuous use temperature °C 1100
Density kg/m3 160 192 220
Thickness range mm ≥ 100
Permanent linear shrinkage EN1097-7 %
@1200°C < 1,5
Thermal conductivity ASTM C201 W/mK
@ 200°C 0,06 0,06 0,06
@ 400°C 0,1 0,09 0,09
@ 600°C 0,17 0,14 0,13
@ 800°C 0,24 0,21 0,19
@ 1000°C 0,32 0,28 0,26
Chemical composition ISO12677 %
SiO2 63-66
CaO 26-33
MgO 3-7
Other < 0,8


Properties measured Standard Unit SoliBloc™ ULS-grade
Grade LBP
Colour white
Classification temperature °F 2300
Continuous use temperature °F 2000
Density PCF 10 12 14
Thickness range inch ≥ 4
Permanent linear shrinkage EN1097-7 %
@2200°F < 1,5
Thermal conductivity ASTM C201 BTU·in/hr·ft2·°F
@500°F 0.49 0.47 0.44
@1000°F 0.98 0.83 0.80
@1500°F 1.70 1.48 1.34
@1800°F 2.13 1.87 1.73
@2000°F 2.43 2.19 2.05
Chemical composition, ISO12677 %
SiO2 63-66
CaO 26-33
MgO 3-7
Other < 0,8